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How Gas Flows Onto One Black Hole In A System Of Binary Black Hole?

Patra and colleagues studied looks at how gas flows onto one black hole in a system of two black holes (a binary black hole system, or BBH). The gas forms a disk around the primary black hole, called the circumprimary disk (CPD). The behavior of the flow depends on the mass ratio (q) of the two black holes and the distance (z2) between them. Researchers used equations to model how gas moves and gains energy as it falls toward the black hole. They found that the disk can form shock waves, depending on the gas's angular momentum and energy. These shocks are affected by q and z2, changing the density and temperature of the gas across the shock regions. They also calculated how the disk would emit light (called the spectral energy distribution or SED) under different conditions. Interestingly, they found that the interaction between the two black holes doesn't significantly change how the primary black hole's disk emits light or behaves. This confirms earlier predictions in a new context.

Binary Black Hole (BBH) systems are fascinating objects in the universe where two black holes orbit each other. These systems are incredibly powerful as they release both gravitational waves (GWs) and electromagnetic (EM) signals. Scientists study these signals to learn more about the universe and the formation of BBHs, though their exact origins are still not completely understood.

Some BBHs are supermassive, formed when galaxies merge and their central black holes come together. Others are smaller, forming through interactions in dense star clusters or in regions filled with gas, such as active galactic nuclei (AGN). Both types of BBHs play a crucial role in astrophysics because they give us a glimpse into the universe's most extreme environments.

How BBHs Are Detected

BBHs are detected in two ways. First, they produce gravitational waves, ripples in space-time that are detected by observatories like LIGO and Virgo. These waves are proof of the existence of stellar-mass BBHs. Supermassive BBHs also generate gravitational waves, but at lower frequencies, which future missions like the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) aim to detect.

Second, BBHs emit electromagnetic waves when gas and dust from their surroundings fall into them. These EM signals can be observed across different wavelengths, such as visible light, X-rays, and radio waves. By studying these emissions, scientists can determine a BBH’s mass, spin, and how it evolves over time.

The Disks Around BBHs

Gas surrounding a BBH forms a large disk called a circumbinary disk (CBD). This disk feeds gas into the black holes, creating smaller disks around each one. These smaller disks are:

  • The Circumprimary Disk (CPD): Around the more massive black hole.
  • The Circumsecondary Disk (CSD): Around the less massive black hole.

The interaction between the BBHs and their disks makes studying these systems more complex. The gas flow creates cavities, shock waves, and unique emission patterns, which provide scientists with clues about the system's dynamics.

What Happens to the Gas?

The gas in the disks moves inward, spiraling toward the black holes. As it falls, it heats up and releases energy. In some cases, the gas encounters shocks, where its speed and temperature suddenly change. These shocks can affect the density and temperature of the disks, which in turn influences the light the disks emit.

Recent studies have modeled how the gas flows and forms shocks in these disks. Interestingly, they found that the overall behavior of the primary black hole’s disk doesn’t change much, even when the second black hole is nearby. This confirms earlier predictions about how BBHs interact with their surroundings.

Challenges in Studying BBHs

Modeling BBH systems is a tough challenge because it involves the interaction of two intense gravitational fields. In the past, researchers used extra forces, like cosmic strings, to explain how two black holes could remain stable without merging or drifting apart. However, these solutions often led to unstable systems.

Recently, a new approach provided a breakthrough. Scientists developed a stable model where two black holes remain in equilibrium without the need for extra forces. This model helps explain how gas behaves in these systems and how the disks emit light under different conditions.

What Have We Learned?

Scientists have discovered that gas flowing into the primary black hole in a BBH system can form transonic flows, where the gas transitions from slower (subsonic) to faster (supersonic) speeds. These flows sometimes create shock waves, altering the density and temperature of the gas.

They also found that the size of the two black holes and the distance between them don’t significantly affect the primary black hole’s disk. This is important because it simplifies predictions about how these systems evolve and emit light.

Why BBHs Matter

BBHs are not just objects of curiosity; they help us understand fundamental concepts like gravity, space-time, and the life cycle of galaxies. They also produce signals that can be detected millions or even billions of light-years away, allowing us to study the universe's history and structure.

Future missions like LISA and advancements in telescopes will make it easier to detect and study BBHs. As we learn more about these systems, we get closer to understanding the most extreme environments in the cosmos.


Binary black holes are among the universe’s most mysterious and exciting phenomena. By studying their gravitational and electromagnetic signals, scientists can uncover details about their formation, behavior, and impact on their surroundings. Ongoing research and technological advancements are opening new doors to understanding these systems, bringing us closer to solving the puzzles of the universe.

Reference: Subhankar Patra, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi, Santabrata Das, "Transonic accretion flow in the mini discs of a binary black hole system", Arxiv, 2024.

Technical terms 

Binary Black Hole (BBH) Systems

  • These are systems where two black holes orbit each other due to their mutual gravitational pull.

Gravitational Waves (GWs)

  • Ripples in space and time created when massive objects (like black holes) move or merge. They are like the ripples formed when you throw a stone in water.

Electromagnetic (EM) Waves

  • Energy waves, such as light or radio waves, that we use to observe objects in space. Black holes can emit EM waves when they pull in gas and dust.

Supermassive Black Hole Binaries (SMBHBs)

  • These are pairs of black holes that are millions or billions of times heavier than the Sun. They usually form when two galaxies merge, bringing their central black holes together.

Stellar-Mass Black Holes

  • Black holes that are smaller than SMBHBs, typically formed when massive stars collapse.

Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN)

  • The bright center of a galaxy, powered by a supermassive black hole pulling in matter.

Circumbinary Disk (CBD)

  • A large, donut-shaped gas disk that surrounds both black holes in a BBH system. This disk feeds gas toward the black holes.

Circumprimary Disk (CPD) and Circumsecondary Disk (CSD)

  • CPD: A smaller gas disk around the bigger black hole in the pair.
  • CSD: A smaller gas disk around the smaller black hole in the pair.

Accretion Flow

  • The process where gas and dust are pulled toward a black hole due to gravity.

Shock Waves

  • Sudden, sharp changes in the speed or density of gas, similar to the boom you hear during a sonic boom.

Mass Ratio (qq)

  • The ratio of the masses of the two black holes in a BBH system. For example, if one black hole is twice as heavy as the other, the mass ratio is 2.

Separation (z2z_2)

  • The distance between the two black holes in a binary system.

Spectral Energy Distribution (SED)

  • A graph showing how much energy the black hole system emits at different wavelengths, such as X-rays, visible light, or radio waves.

Transonic Accretion Flow

  • A type of gas flow that starts slow (subsonic) but speeds up to faster than the speed of sound (supersonic) as it gets closer to the black hole.

General Relativity (GR)

  • A theory of gravity by Einstein that explains how massive objects, like black holes, warp space and time.

Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs)

  • Groups of telescopes that measure very small changes in the timing of pulsars (spinning stars) to detect low-frequency gravitational waves.

Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)

  • A future space mission designed to detect low-frequency gravitational waves from sources like SMBHBs.

Newtonian Gravity vs. General Relativity (GR)

  • Newtonian Gravity: A simpler way to describe gravity as a force between two objects.
  • General Relativity: A more advanced theory that shows gravity as the bending of space and time.

Event Horizon

  • The “point of no return” around a black hole. Once something crosses this boundary, it cannot escape.

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